Easy Lo-Carb

Practical Low Carbohydrate Living (ABN: 84 969 808 370)

Tag: Pork

Making Bacon

Everyone loves bacon, except those who can’t enjoy it for religious reasons, or Vegans … but perhaps I repeat myself.  For 40 years we’ve been told not to eat bacon because it has too much saturated fat and that raises your cholesterol and that causes heart attacks.  Except that that has all been shown to […]

Roast Pork Belly

There are few things greater for a fat adapted person than crispy, glass like, pork crackling and this recipe for roast pork belly has never failed us. Roast Pork Belly We bought a slab of Pork Belly from our local bulk buy store (CostCo) the other day and sliced of 2x2kg (4.4 lb) blocks to be […]

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