Easy Lo-Carb

Practical Low Carbohydrate Living (ABN: 84 969 808 370)

Tag: bar

Maple Peanut Chocolate stick

Maple peanut chocolate stick

As you may remember I made myself a Coconut chocolate bar that was about 90 kCal to replace the Atkins bar.  The only problem is that Julie isn’t a big fan of coconut, so when I was having an Atkins coconut bar, she would have an Atkins peanut cluster bar – which is still high in sugar […]

Coconut Chocolate bar

Coconut chocolate bars

This is my third post for Easter 2015 – this time my Coconut chocolate bar. The Atkins bar When we first started eating Lo-Carb we were in a sudden panic about all the sweet things we wouldn’t be able to eat from our previous carby life.  From what other people who’ve done this tell me, that […]

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